About Albuquerque Leadership Foundation

Albuquerque Leadership Foundation seeks to bring together the leaders of good faith and good will throughout Albuquerque to identify, develop and launch efforts to reduce poverty and bring collaboration.

Established in 2006, Community 54:13 is a New Mexico 501(c)3 seeks to create ministries that develop a place of deep peace, shared prosperity, and well-being in Albuquerque. A place where we are able to flourish as human beings in community with one another, especially those who historically have been overlooked and marginalized.

Community 54:13 officially became part of Leadership Foundations worldwide network in December of 2022.

Our Story

albuquerque & beyond

Our Vision

By bringing joy into our neighborhood, Albuquerque Leadership Foundation envisions eliminating poverty in Albuquerque and specifically the International District. We will do this by implementing community-based solutions that produce real change in the lives of the neighborhoods we work in including education, support, and community development. We believe this will be accomplished one neighborhood at a time beginning with the Alvarado Neighborhood between Central and Zuni streets one block east of San Mateo.  

Our Mission

To change Albuquerque's Warzone into God’s Playground while meeting the long-term and long-term physical, emotional, spiritual, and mental needs of the community of Albuquerque. We will accomplish this by providing safe and quality programming that supports families through relationships and community.

Our Team

alf co-founder, ceo

Ed Cook

alf co-founder

Rachel Davis

spiritual advisor & prayer team

Rose Coleman


Anthony & Mary Pennington


Jeff & Pam Giles

Meet Ed Cook

For twenty years, Ed was owner and operator of ServiceMaster Performance, the largest commercial cleaning company serving New Mexico. During his ownership, ServiceMaster grew from 100 employees to an $8.5M, 450 employee company. Ed sold the business in 2019 and joined Rachel with the vision for Community 54:13 (Rachel is Ed’s daughter).

During the summer of 2001, Ed was out of work, two kids in college, no money and seeking God's direction in the future for his life and career. Like many believers, Ed seriously considered becoming a professional minister or missionary. As he reviewed his options, a long-term friend encouraged him to start a ServiceMaster franchise. With no other options on the horizon, he was seriously considering this when another friend suggested he visit Albuquerque and purchase an existing franchise there. He told Ed (although in a much nicer manner) that he was too old to start a new business. He also mentioned that his years of management experience suited me best for running an existing business. Ed quickly pointed out that I also did not have any money to buy a business (especially a $4M one!)

However, following his encouragement and a few phones calls to Albuquerque, Ed made the drive from Denver to Albuquerque and met with the owner. At dinner that night, she told Ed that, as a Christian herself, he was the type of person she would like to sell to. He told her that to do so, it would need to be with no money down and she would need to carry the note. After a few minutes of quiet thought, she told me that she might be willing to if it weren't for two issues, 1) she had listed her business with an exclusive broker and if she sold the business, she would have to pay the commission out of pocket, and 2) her beautiful home in the foothills had been on the market for two years without a single offer and she would need the sale to be able to move on.

Ed drove home that night and told his wife (Mary Pat), “So much for Albuquerque ". The next morning at 11AM, she called Ed to say that she had been released from her sales contract and had received TWO offers on her home! Ed and his wife are in Albuquerque because God called them here to impact His kingdom. Over the twenty years, they built a $8.5M business with 450 employees based on a “Business as Ministry” philosophy. Their stated corporate objectives were: 1. To honor God in all we did, 2. To help our people excel professionally, personally, and spiritually. 3. To perform with God’s excellence and 4. To grow profitably. God continued to provide miracles in the life of the company including a miraculous sale of the business for $5.5M dollars – all cash in 30 days to close!

At 70, Ed and Mary Pat know God called them to Albuquerque to expand His kingdom and committed all our financial resources and remaining years to doing so.

Meet Rachel Davis

Rachel holds her master’s degree in Family studies and has been in early childcare since high school. She spent 2 years as Director of the Denver Rescue Mission early childcare center before moving to New Mexico to complete her master’s degree. In 2006, she wrote the vision and mission for Community 54:13 that she still strives toward today. In 2008, Rachel launched the first phase of Community 54:13 by opening Children’s Promise Centers ( www.childrenspromisecenters.org ) that currently serves up to 80 children and their families with a budget approaching $600,000. After 15 years of this highly rated center, she is opening a second location along with additional family and neighborhood resources

Similarly, God brought Rachel Davis (Ed’s daughter) to Albuquerque – against her will! She and Ed share a vision for growing God’s kingdom with the families of the working poor. As with Ed’s company, God miraculously provided her a childcare center in 2008 (against all earthly counsel and wisdom) 15 years later Children’s Promise Centers (www.childrenspromisecenters.org ) is a thriving childcare center in east Albuquerque serving 79 children and over 50 families. Rachel first wrote the Community 54:13 vision statements in 2006.

Rachel knows that if she reaches the young children, she will reach the families for God.

Meet Rose Coleman

Rose is the Pastor of Heaven’s Door and Neighborhood Advisor.

Rose is an incredible resource for us. Rose grew up on the streets and for over a decade as a homeless person was involved in drugs and prostitution in the Albuquerque International District. Several years ago, God got hold of Rose and she is now an incredible force for the Kingdom. She weekly leads a ministry of about 50 recovering homeless and addicts, and regularly provides us with insights and wisdom into the people in the neighborhood. She is a major part of our seminars and talks to congregations about homelessness and poverty.

Anthony & Mary Pennington

Anthony and Mary are chaplains. For close to 50 years of ministries in marginalized communities Anthony has served as pastor, evangelist, church planter and chaplain. He has also mentored and coached pastors. They are building relationships with staff, families, and community and available for spiritual guidance and life events (weddings, funerals, sickness, quinceaneras, etc.) They are excited about Leadership Foundation of Albuquerque and are a major part of our Discernment Team.

Jeff & Pam Giles

Jeff and Pam are Christian Community Connection and Charity to Change Coaches. Jeff has over forty-years of pastoral ministry, he has also served churches throughout Colorado, along with Pam, his wife. A decade ago, Jeff and Pam spent a couple of years serving as missionaries in Thailand. Born in Italy, Jeff went to high school in Japan, college in the Philippines, taught school in Brazil and has traveled extensively around the world for the cause of God’s Kingdom. He has served on the boards of Mile High Ministries and Rocky Mountain Church Network, facilitating Kingdom partnerships that continue to make a difference for Christ in metro Denver and the Rocky Mountain region of Colorado. Jeff has a contagious passion for Jesus Christ—for personal intimacy with Him as well as powerful impact for Him. For Jesus’ sake, he, and Pam delight to invest in the lives of as many people as possible, especially their fourteen grandchildren who, for now, all live near them in northern Colorado. ff and Pam have been Pastors and missionaries since the late 70s and are leading our community connection with believing communities through Albuquerque.

Albuquerque Leadership Foundation recognizes the value of collaborating and gaining insights and wisdom from other organizations and partnerships. We have a history of using existing ministries for collaboration while working locally to use local resources for the Kingdom. 

Collaborations and Partnerships

leadership foundations

Community 54:13 officially became Albuquerque Leadership Foundation in 2022. As a “network member” of Leadership Foundations we have full access to their resources and leadership. Monthly we meet with our LF coach on methods and efforts to grow in our Albuquerque chapter. Additionally, connecting with their 70+ city network is invaluable to us as we grow and develop.

mile high ministries

As a past board member of Mile High Ministries, we regularly interact and meet with their various ministries for input and wisdom. Their Executive Director, Jeff Johnsen, is now officially one of our ministry advisors.

Albuquerque Leadership Foundation is a former member the CrossPurpose National Network. This provides us with incredible resources and wisdom from their leadership. Additionally, as we build our Career Development and Placement arm, we have complete access to all their leaders, curriculums, systems, and wisdom so we can simply implement their program in Albuquerque. Jason Janz, their CEO is part of our advisory team.

christian community development associataion

This national organization provides extensive resources and training that is consistent with our philosophies and efforts.